My first photo session with the Le family was a couple years back when the little sister was a newborn. Time flew and she's now a lovely little girl. The family took me to the Seattle Kubota Garden this time for their photo session. It is a very nice, very large garden with a Japanese garden theme.
The girls were a bit shy at the beginning but Khoi and Hieu were super great coming up with games to play with them and making them laugh. We had a wonderful time strolling around the garden. A minor incident happened towards the end of the photo session. While transporting the girls to a rock in the middle of a pond, Hieu lost balance and soaked himself in the pond. It was a bit too shocking for the little one and she burst into tears and cried for a long time, while big girl couldn't stop laughing at her daddy's drenched look! It was a pretty hilarious sight and Hieu was very cool about it!