Thursday, January 12, 2012

Family Fun at Disneyland Resort, Hong Kong

Disneyland Resort is definitely a popular place for photo shoots in Hong Kong. This was my fourth photo session at this resort within the year. It was a gorgeous, warm afternoon for Maria and Alan's family to enjoy this beautiful place. Their lovely kids Kate and Kyle just couldn't wait to have fun in the grass. Kate was very proud to lead our way at all times, while Kyle enjoyed playing with everyone else in his family and explored by himself too. We all had lots of fun until sunset and Kyle was so tired that he just fell asleep on his mom's shoulder our way back.


  1. Great pictures! What a lovely family =)

  2. Lovely family, cool pictures and awesome photography. :)

  3. You do a very beautiful photos. And kids are a very difficult subject. Very well done.

  4. wow very nice pictures and nice photography.
