I came to know Reiko and Eric through my bro Matt. Reiko and Eric is a very fun couple, and their wedding was one of the coolest wedding I've ever been to! Even though the weather was the normal SF weather, with a bit of overcast, the joy and laughter of the wedding couple, the families and guests, (and probably just the thought of having the Fire station as the venue), warmed up the whole place.
From the minute details of the paper cranes decorations, to the unique attire of the wedding couple, the special "ring- bearer", to the special lightings, the mouth-watering Japanese Izakaya dinner from Peko-Peko, one can tell the thoughtfulness that was put in by the hosts, and all these made their wedding day a one-of-a-kind memorable day.
Reiko and Eric, you two rock! Congratulations again!