Friday, November 19, 2010

Reiko + Eric: Married! (Fort Mason, San Francisco)

I came to know Reiko and Eric through my bro Matt. Reiko and Eric is a very fun couple, and their wedding was one of the coolest wedding I've ever been to! Even though the weather was the normal SF weather, with a bit of overcast, the joy and laughter of the wedding couple, the families and guests, (and probably just the thought of having the Fire station as the venue), warmed up the whole place.

From the minute details of the paper cranes decorations, to the unique attire of the wedding couple, the special "ring- bearer", to the special lightings, the mouth-watering Japanese Izakaya dinner from Peko-Peko, one can tell the thoughtfulness that was put in by the hosts, and all these made their wedding day a one-of-a-kind memorable day.

Reiko and Eric, you two rock! Congratulations again!

Hayden's 1st birthday party (Pleasanton, CA)

How time flies! It seems like yesterday when I went to Ethan's 1st birthday and Ethan is already a BIG boy now, and Hayden is already one. I'm sure Marilyn and Will feel much more so than me. Marilyn put together a very cute birthday party for Hayden, and one can see the detail touches in every corner. Hayden is a very lovely boy and it's so much fun seeing the two brothers together.

We tried our best to grab some time outside, in between showers, and captured some great shots!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cindy + Henry: Got Baby! (San Francisco, Zeum Museum)

Cindy and Henry are friends of Thecla and Chris, who also had their maternity session with me not too long ago. The weather forecast for the day was rainy and I was worried that we might have to postpone the shoot. But it must be the luck brought by the baby and the parents-to-be, the rain was delayed, and the weather in San Francisco turned out to be gorgeous that afternoon.

Cindy picked to have the session at the colorful Zeum Museum, which is one of the spots in San Francisco I have always wanted to do a photo shoot. The museum has a unique architecture with very bright and cheerful exterior, which is great for some fun shots. And we even got on the Merry-go-round in front of the museum!

I cannot go without mentioning the "It's a girl" balloon in Henry's hand in the picture above - we were so lucky to have taken a few pictures before it went Up! Up! Up! into the sky! It was indeed a fun afternoon with Cindy and Henry. And I'm hoping to meet with little Bailey very soon!

And the next day, it was pouring...